Thread: McDonalds
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Old 12-14-2001, 01:05 PM   #40

Join Date: March 21, 2001
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Originally posted by Arledrian:
I don't know why people feel they have to rebel against McDonald's. They've been around at least forty years and I don't have a problem with them, nor does anyone I know. Perhaps they do chop down the rainforests, but name me one company that would put the environment before it's own profit. Every company is out there for itself and will do anything to maintain its hold on people.

As for the food itself - it's alright, but I must add that I only really go and eat there after I've been out drinking, and need a burger to settle my stomach for the night. But even when sober, I would not avoid the place.

Ah well, each to their own, just thought I'd give my 2c

Yeah, why didnt the American goverment just say something like: 'gee, every terrorist blows up buildings, lets not start picking on Bin Laden'. That 'everyone' does it doesnt make it right!
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