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Old 12-14-2001, 01:53 PM   #24
Cerek the Barbaric
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: October 29, 2001
Location: North Carolina
Age: 61
Posts: 3,257're gonna make me blush, Galadria

Cerek(in gruff,manly voice) "I am NOT blushing. My cheeks are just naturally ruddy!".

I sincerely appreciate your comments. But we seemed to have strayed off the topic a bit, so let's get back to that. Here is another GREAT moment from our Hyborean campaign.

When our characters reached 8-10 level, the DM basically made us the ruling body of a small town. My ranger was the mayor and our cleric had established a temple. My roommate's druid had been forced to switch to cleric after a resurrection, so he helped run the temple.

The DM's roommate played a mage in our campaign. The only problem is that he never played on a regular basis and he had NO idea what ANY of the spells did. Fortunately, the results of his "spellcasting" attempts were usually more humorous than harmful.

The DM tried to help him out by giving him a Staff of Power (or Magi, never did figure out which one). The staff would release a 10d6 fireball whenever the "command word" BLAST was spoken. The catch was that the PLAYER had a bad habit of saying "Well, Blast" whenever something bad happened. This led to the following encounter.

The mage decided to go up to the temple and invite his adventuring buddies to the tavern for a brew. The clerics met him in the foyer of the temple (a standard 10'x10' room) and said they couldn't go because they were conducting a ceremony. Try as he might, the mage simply could not convince the clerics to blow off the ceremony and join him. When the head cleric became a became impatient with him, the mage rapped his staff on the floor and said "Well BLAST".

None of the characters were killed. They just ended up looking like the 3 Stooges right after a big explosion.
[img]\"\" alt=\" - \" /><br />Cerek the Calmth
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