Thread: My baby boy
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Old 12-10-2001, 02:32 AM   #1

Join Date: April 9, 2001
Location: MN, USA
Age: 44
Posts: 519
As some of you may remember, I was having trouble with my boy Luke. He is far behind in his developemental stages. (According to charts!) He still has not gained weight or height. It has been 4 months and he hasn't grown at all. He is still a very happy boy and he loves to stroll around in his walker. He IS, however, becoming more interested in walking while we hold him up (ever so slightly) with his hands. I don't care what the doctors say, I think he's just fine.

Something new happened to him 2 days ago. He got his very first look at his new brother Zaknafein!! That's right, I have a new baby boy!! WOOHOO!! 12-7-01, 7:20 am. Weighing in at 7 pounds 2 ounces, 21 inches long. He has a lot of dark hair. He's smaller than Luke was, but he seems stronger. He's also cuter (for the first day). I won't tell either of them that though! When I saw that baby come out, I couldn't hold back the tears. I was filled with so much joy. Just like I was with Luke! I now have 2 baby boys to share my joys and sorrows with. 2 boys to love and to hold. I love my boys, and they love me. Everytime I walk in the room, they smile. They can't talk yet, but if they could, they'd say "DADDY, DADDY, DADDY!!!!!!" And I would melt...

"Yeah? Well... you know, that's just like.... your opinion... man"
-The Dude

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