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Old 12-04-2001, 06:03 PM   #17
Tabitha Silverwill
Dungeon Master

Join Date: August 11, 2001
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 91
Rule #10 Don't pay your phone bill. You will save money and no one will be able to bother you when you are asleep after a while.

One small problem would be the inability to go online and meet up with IW chums. Sure there must be a solution to that though

I actually have exactly the same problem as you Jorath. I have an automatic answer service called 1571 which allows exactly the correct number of rings to awake me from my slumbers, fall downstairs and actually get my hand on the receiver only for it to stop. I just unplug my landline and switch off mobile when I don't want interruptions.

Changing phone number might work too, just don't tell anyone what the new one is. Use the phone for your convenience - don't be there for other peoples' ease. LOL
<p>Regret nothing.
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