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Old 11-28-2001, 09:54 PM   #10

Join Date: September 16, 2001
Location: Bellingham, WA, USA
Age: 47
Posts: 6,901
Okay, I'm back!

Now about GPoW: It DOES exist, Wirt's had it several times for me in Single Player, but never a perfect set, of course. In fact, he's never shown me anything better than my PERFECT Godly Plate. (Not that I'm actually complaining about this, lol.)

I wouldn't know if Wirt sells the cool stuff like that in Multiplayer, my trick to 'operate' him doesn't work in Multi. But my Single-Player Rogue has almost ALL the good stuff--even a couple imperfect Obsidian Zodiac, and a few perfect things like a Diamond Wizardry. (I've had the BEST luck with this girl--she found the Royal Circlet on Level 16 in her VERY FIRST GAME!!! Then the Shirotachi & Stormshield in rapid succession.....had to wait for a while to find the Dreamflange, though, and I STILL haven't found Xorine's Ring, even though I've been searching for ages.

Yeah, some of those 'Variants' are pretty cool. I liked the Axe Rogue, myself. Too bad they're all ways to make you character worse, though. I kinda like being overpowered--I don't really focus on getting better, just finding weirder & weirder ways to pull tricks off. (I still love being able to kill Diablo without ever entering his sight range--I'll post the screenshot soon.)

----- huge change of subject ----

StarCraft is better, though. Any game where there's only one character is bound to get old after a while, and the teamwork provided in StarCraft adds another whole layer to the game. And I just LOVED how totally and utterly ALIEN (literally) the races are! I tried to play Age of Empires II after playing StarCraft..... completely anticlimactic, because all the races in AOE are almost exactly the same. My StarCraft brag: I made a COMPLETELY FAIR scenario, with 8 equally defensible bases, equal resources, everything. I can beat this scenario, in a Melee game, with 7 enemies without losing a SINGLE unit or building. Yowza. (This was before I got Broodwar. Now that it's installed, those damn Corsairs play hell with my defenses, and I start losing buildings.

I'll shut up now. Who wants to call me a shameless braggart?
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