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Old 11-10-2001, 08:50 PM   #5
Iron Throne Cult

Join Date: March 12, 2001
Location: Manila, Philippines
Age: 39
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1.) He will learn the name but will not mention it... it is a powerful one, and the real thing that the Bronze Sphere will do... (you think its useless, think again!)

2.) As Neb said, but I will give in to more detail- there are three of you... the Paranoid, Evil and Good. Paranoid was the one who sacrifice Dionnara (whatever the spelling) Evil was who killed the linguist, and the Good, was the coward. He was the first of them and the responsible of all that has happened. He was SOOO SCARED! of dying that it hurts and he went out his way to just get someone who could make him immortal. And that was Ravel. Just before he died she made a ritual... but (I think) it missed a component or had a bad drawback. Anyhow, the drawback was to lose memory... so duh.. that's why you awakened with no air in your head... That was it actually... it wasn't really a curse... And I think, I think, that he even had an affair with the biatch and when she made him immortal, the Lady of Pain wouldn't buy it... byebye Ravel into the maze! [img]smile.gif[/img]
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