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Old 11-08-2001, 06:08 AM   #1
Horus - Egyptian Sky God

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: either CA or MO
Age: 42
Posts: 2,674

El Senor Guipe is the arts editor of the Review, and welcomes any and all readers to IM him at any time. By any and all readers, he means the female ones.

I would go out with
you, but youre just so damn ugly! Yes, just one of many responses that youve received while attempting to get a date for Saturday night. Youve tried everything, from wearing trendy clothing to stuffing tube socks down your pants, but nothing seems to work! Youre probably ready to shoot yourself in the face. After all, it couldnt make you any less attractive, right?

If youre feeling any or all of these sentiments right now, then you probably need to start getting out more. Right now youre probably thinking "But El Seor Gupe, you dont understand. I mean, I know that all the women must flock around a cool, happenin guy like you. But I couldnt get a date if my life depended on it! Help me, Seor, youre my only hope!"

Well, all right, if you insist. But the only reason Im helping you is because I feel sorry for you because youre so damn ugly. So heres my advice... there is a place to meet girls that is perfect for a guy like you. A place where you will not be judged by your morbid obesity, your huge nose, or your social ineptitude. It is a magical place, and its called...

The Internet.

Yes, picking up girls online. Its not just a job, its an adventure. And with the introduction of such online tools as the AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), the girl of your dreams could be at your fingertips (No pun intended. Oh, who am I kidding? Of course the pun was intended!) It seems that everyone and his brother has one of these AIM accounts, which means that finding girls on AIM shouldnt be a problem. The real trick, of course, is not finding the girls, but picking them up once youve found them. So, in order to help you, my loyal readers, better understand how this is done, I will present you with the following sample AIM conversation between an online girl and myself.

ElSenorGuipe: Hello.

Ruby1542389: Hi. Who are you?

ElSenorGuipe: Why, I am El Seor

Gupe, a student at... hang on, I cant get the squiggly lines and stuff to work...

Ruby1542389: You mean the tilde?

ElSenorGuipe: No, the squiggly line! Hehe, tilde... thats a funny word. , doh! Oh well, I guess its useless. Just call me Dave.

Ruby1542389: Umm... hi.

ElSenorGuipe: Im a student at the University of Michigan, and writer extraordinare!

Ruby1542389: Uh.. thats nice. Are you in a frat?

ElSenorGuipe: Um, no.

Ruby1542389: Do you play a sport?

ElSenorGuipe: Does Magic: The Gathering count?

Ruby1542389: Umm... I gotta go.

El Senor Guipe: Wait, you wanna go out sometime?

* * * USER Ruby1542389 IS NOT AVAILABLE * * *

Can you identify what I did wrong? Thats right, I told the truth! Remember, telling the truth is the last thing that you should do when picking up girls online. Now, Im not saying that you should blatantly lie, but there are ways of twisting the truth to your advantage. As my grandpa once said, figures dont lie, liars figure. Lets go on to another example.

ElSenorGuipe: Thats right, I go to U of M.

Erin2544555: Really? You must be pretty smart then.

El Senor Guipe: Id like to think so.

Erin2544555: So, um, what do you look like?

El Senor Guipe: Well, Im 511, and I have blond hair and blue eyes.

Note that everything I told our friend Erin is indeed true. I really am 511, I really do have blond hair and blue eyes, and I like to think that Im smart! Of course, this description could easily fit about ten million people, from Leonardo DiCaprio to Chris Farley. But Erin is not thinking about that. She is instead imagining herself partaking in a NightoFun with this mysterious guy shes met online. Realizing that you have this girl wrapped around your little finger, youd better make sure that you actually want to go through with this before proceeding any further. I mean, as far as you know, Erin might in actuality be a forty year old guy who lives with his mom and spends all of his free time playing Magic: The Gathering. Or she could be some X-Files obsessed pre-teen posing as a college student! There is only one way you can be sure that Erin is indeed the eighteen year old vixen that she claims to be:

ElSenorGuipe: Wait a minute! Youre not some forty year old guy who lives with his mom, are you?

Erin2544555: No.

ElSenorGuipe: Okay, just checking.

Now that thats cleared up, its time to go in for the kill.

ElSenorGuipe: So, how about catching dinner and a movie this Saturday?

Erin2544555: Well, you sound normal. Sure, why not?

Woohoo! Voila youve got a date for Saturday night. And the best part is, once she finds out what a disgusting slob you are, itll be too late! So go to it, and May the Force be With You!

[ 11-08-2001: Message edited by: DM of FAoIW ]

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