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Old 11-06-2001, 04:33 PM   #40
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Midlands, South Carolina
Age: 48
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Turning to see if Mistral had seen the commotion of Deiter leaving, he saw that she had stooped down behind the counter and had not seen. Turning back to Spree to ask her what was going on, Larry saw that she had ran after Deiter, and since Larry did not have on his boots of speed at the moment, he could not hope to catch up to her in time. Turning at a strange feeling behind him, he realized that Kaz had disappeared. Looking outside, he saw nothing. Running into the next room, he saw that Sephi and his lady-friend was still there, oblivious to any trouble. Runnig back into the kitchen to find Mistral, Larry stated to her:

"Something is going on all around us, and I have missed it! My chance at adventure is lost for this day..."

Sadly, Larry recounted the past few moments to Mistral and all the strange happenings.
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