Thread: Fake Emotion?
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Old 11-02-2001, 04:37 AM   #4

Join Date: June 18, 2001
Location: England
Posts: 217

that's interesting!

i think it's probably because it's easier and 'safer' to involve emotionally in a book/film than with real people.

it's good to do both. books give you time to consider and immerse yourself into another world, where you 'live' the emotions of the people who you identify with, books also allow you to see and experience people's emotions who you wouldn't necessarily 'click' with in rl. so, you can gain a lot of experience from reading, albeit second hand and biased. (it's all someone's viewpoint, so therefore all relevant.)

the last film i cried at was last week - it was 'secrets and lies' a wonderful film by mike leigh.

the last line is 'cor, this is the life ain'it'. it's so understated and explores the underneath turmoil from the surface of a black woman who discovers, on the death of her mother, the need to find her biological mother, who turns out to be white, poor and a bit stupid! she herself is intelligent, cultured, professional etc..,,, it's amazing - terribly english.

another really good film is 'withnail and i' if you've never seen it - do.
i cried laughing, although, it's not upfront funny.


offended mistress of the illuminati
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