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Old 11-01-2001, 02:11 PM   #4
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Midlands, South Carolina
Age: 48
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Larry listened to Mistral's accustations of charging into the burning building without seeking others to assist, and he was being blamed for the trouble that Isabeau had encountered.

He had hoped that Mistral would see him as a true hero. He wanted to prove this to his father, but was never rewarded the opportunity. Proving his heroism to Mistral was thus the most important thing to this bumbling ranger.

And now, his alleged heroic attempt to save a life from utter destruction was viewed as a selfish, idiotic mistake.

Larry had no words to explain the confusion and loss of self-worth that he now felt. He was even being questioned for his choice in friends. Sephi had guarded him selflessly, and without asking any return favor. Now Mistral was challenging his reason for being here.

He walked back over to the bed he had been sitting on, sat back down, and stared at the floor, as if marvelling at the crack he had locked his gaze upon.
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