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Old 10-31-2001, 12:58 PM   #26

Join Date: June 18, 2001
Location: England
Posts: 217
faith is nice - i suppose.......... !

however, faith is based more on a person's willingness to believe the words of someone else.

take the bible, as that book is one i'm familiar with, it's stuffed with political intrigue and cultural 'norms' from start to end. women are unimportant for the most part (except where no man is available) son's are very important indeed - cultural difference, different time different culture. the explanations containd within the text attempt to explain where people came from - fair enough - hey, we all are interested in that, surely? evolution is also trying to explain and understand the same thing.

personally, i think we need to look at the reasons why people choose to belong to a 'faith' of one sort or another. that would give huge insight into why people prefer the ethereal creator myth to a more concrete exploration of our begining. i still think that people steeped in faith and belief systems need to follow a moral code of some sort because to choose to accept the possiblity of there being no creator leaves them feeling that there are far too many decisions to be made. moral or otherwise. religion gives people a 'place' in the world without their having to make any effort to make their own.

to say 'i'm a christian' or 'i'm a sikh' or 'i'm a jew' contains a huge amount of presumption about where that individual stands in the world and how they interact with it. of course, it's never entirely 100% accurate. i'm using it to make a point. i know many christians and jews who are the most enormous hypocrits! (jewish friends who love prawns and bacon and don't bother with the sabbath very often - naughty ) (christian friends who don't worry too much about adultery and telling lies etc.,)

but the point is, they feel safer because of their faith. they wouldn't relinquish it even though most of the people i know personally who profess to have a 'faith' go against it very very often in pursuit of their own personal interests.


offended mistress of the illuminati
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