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Old 10-31-2001, 04:09 AM   #22
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: October 2, 2001
Location: Manhattan,KS USA
Posts: 316
Originally posted by Sir Real:
Okay read the rest and wish idin't for it pointless. You seem to be saying all all forms of life have always existed as they are now which is wrong!! Evolution is natural selection over a long peroid of time and can and has been proven to occur in various forms of life.
Oh and there is proof of something like a 'big bang' but not what caused it.
Oh and please go on to expain what these things that have been 'tacked' on to evolution are as far I know your just making them up.

I have never once stated that all forms of life have continued unchanged. I am a firm believer of natural selection as I have said many times. How is it that you misunderstand this? The proof of a big bang is sketchy at best. It is entirely possible that a big bang did happen. As you say, you cannot prove what caused it. I have an extremely hard time even trying to consider that it happened at random and everything turned out so perfectly, especially ANY type of life. The things that have been tacked on are (and these are even listed on the thread you yourself gave me as not really being part of the original definition of evolution):
1. all life began in the sea and evolved to how it is today
2. The big bang, especially the idea that the big bang was totally random
3. Some say not only did all land life came from the sea, but that all life began with one microbial organism

None of these three has any proof whatsoever that it is true.


"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans." - Lennon
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