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Old 10-17-2001, 12:33 PM   #44
Hiram Sedai
Emerald Dragon

Join Date: October 8, 2001
Location: Georgia
Age: 55
Posts: 918
The dwarf fought and fought but made no headway against the shadow beasts. In the distance, he heard “"Let it be heard that from here on in; The HADB will always serve their own! Those who forget or seek to deny us this will know fear!". That is what Hiram needed to hear. With a growl, Hiram doubled his attacks and fought his way once more to Dragonmage. She was obviously spent and had collapsed on the steps of the temple. “I knew I smelled peanut butter and jelly” Hiram muttered to himself. The effects of the multiple wounds caught up with him and he stumbled and then fell next to his companion. The spark of life dwindled in the noble dwarf but did not go out. He only knew that his purpose would be reached only if he stayed with Dragonmage. A vision appeared to him. A nondescript dwarf stood before him and looked kindly upon him. “Hiram, thou hast fought bravely and thy clan shall be proud of you.” The stranger dwarf intoned. “Speak not of the pungent odor that elves give off.” “They don’t understand things like peanut butter and jelly”. The dwarf then laid a hammer at Hiram’s feet and disappeared. All Hiram knew after that was sweet blissful darkness and rest.” The remaining members of HADB (May their toenails never need to be clipped) gathered around the pair and cast healing spells.

"I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."
-Robert McCloskey

  • Token lackwit of HADB
  • Sycophant to the Wolf of Azure Hue
  • Long lost brother of DragonMage
  • Bearer of a work of art created by Sazerac
  • Jeg burde blive gennembanket for min flatulens.[/list]
    [This message has been edited by Hiram Sedai (edited 10-17-2001).]
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