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Old 10-16-2001, 01:12 PM   #44
H. Sedai

Posts: n/a
My first duty station was in Hawaii. I worked with a Panamanian buhddist gentleman who taught me some spanish. He would say "que paso?" I would ask him what he meant and he said its a greeting like saying "Hola, como esta usted?" So, I walked around saying "Que paso?" and all of the people of Puerto Rican descent would cock their heads to the side and say things like "Cuando?" or "Acqui?" It wasn't until I spoke with the spanish chaplain that I found out I wasn't saying "whats up" but literally "what happened?" He also explained why the little kids would call me "narise grande" (big nose)

I hate this nose. *sniffle*

This is a bump. No, really.

"I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."
-Robert McCloskey

  • Token lackwit of HADB
  • Sycophant to the Wolf of Azure Hue
  • Long lost brother of DragonMage
  • Bearer of a work of art created by Sazerac[/list]