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Old 10-08-2001, 10:47 AM   #46
Thoth - Egyptian God of Wisdom

Join Date: August 16, 2001
Location: UK
Posts: 2,891
Once I was a great man
All-powerful, all-knowing
I was first, I was best
I brought light, I fought darkness
Then I fell, forever
Playing with shadows instead of with light
I fought evil, yet turned into it
Finally I betrayed all I had once stood for
Killing my friends, not my enemies
The others cursed me, took away my power
My body, my knowledge, all I had been
Yet they cursed me to roam, never-dying
Never to have again warmth and light
The others are long dead, yet I still remain
Howling, screaming, trying to reach
Sanctuary, spilling with light and laughter
I must remain outside in the gibbering darkness
Crying and wailing, never silent
I have wandered long, roaming
Never to stop, never to still
Sometimes, when I reach a house
Rattling at the shutters, howling at them
To let me in, to finally allow me
To have light and warmth, to flee the darkness
Someone comes and looks out the window
Seeking the one who is lost in despair
Then I hear them say, destroying me
It's only the wind, I guess
It's only the wind...


Sapphire Dragoness of ALSB
Waitress at Cloudy's Cafe
Guardian of the Temple of Aerie (specialized in GenCon and BG)
Magess of Lady Lioness' Court
Historian of IW
Most Illustrious Arch-Magess of the Illuminati
Lux omnis est
Once Upon A Paper Writer's Forum
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