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Old 11-01-2001, 01:48 PM   #1

Join Date: October 4, 2001
Location: Kingdom of the West,..P.o. Cynagus
Posts: 4,212
In pharmacology all drugs have generic names. Tylenol is Acetaminophen. Advil is Ibuprofen, and so on.

The FDA is looking for a generic name for Viagra and announced today that they have settled on Mycoxafailin.

Other names considered were:
Mycoxnoworkin and

Top ten Slogans being considered by Viagra:

10. Viagra, It's "Whaazzzzz Up!"
9. Viagra, The quicker pecker upper.
8. Viagra, Like a rock!
7. Viagra, When it absolutely, positively has to be there tonight.
6. Viagra, Be all that you can be.
5. Viagra, Reach out and touch someone.
4. Viagra, Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman!
3. Viagra, Tastes great!........., More filling!
2. Viagra, We bring good things to life!

And the number one slogan, being considered by Viagra:

1. This is your penis.........This is your penis on drugs

Avast There mates..make yer way here and drop yer anchor. We'll swap some lies and have a Black Jack o' ale.
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