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Old 10-30-2001, 10:40 PM   #54

Join Date: May 4, 2001
Location: The Outside Looking In
Age: 37
Posts: 4,361
Sephi stood there in the dark room, surrounded by members of a mercenary party that he had once had the misfortune of meeting. Once was too often for him. Two battle mages flanked him, and three warriors were in a triangle around him, blocking off his escape options. Finally, the leader of the group appeared, stepping into the protective area that his men provided. What have i gotten myself in to now?
Well well well, what have we here? Has the little loner finally found his way back to us? Or will he try to eliminate us fully this time, and in pure daylight. How brash!
Captain Dennis, I presume. I'm quite surprised you're still head of this pathetic group of worms, seeing as how you were taken off guard so easily last time. Tell me, what does it feel like to have something you love destroyed?
Oh, I hardly loved any of those people you killed. They were just new recruits, and then just barely. My company is still strong, and your life force is about to take an opposite course!
Captain Dennis clapped his hands, the signal for the mages to begin their castings and for the fighters to approach.
But Sephi caught a single ray of light coming in through the door, and quickly pulled out the strange mirror he found on the mercenary earlier.

[This message has been edited by SSJ4Sephiroth (edited 10-30-2001).]
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