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Old 10-29-2001, 06:17 PM   #16

Join Date: March 11, 2001
Location: North Carolina USA
Age: 57
Posts: 5,177
I'm not qualified to answer this, I've only been married twice! I think I'll need to be married a few more times before I have a true understanding of women.

Just Kidding! I have been happily married for nearly 7 years, and my wife is great.

The problem is men need to be told what women want. If your unsure, ask her! Guys say, I need this, this and this from you ok? Women say why didn't you do this, this or this for me?

Guys are SLOW! We need to have things explained to us. If women tell us what they want we usually break our necks to do it, but we usually can't figure it out on our own.

Don't be afraid of pampering her if she wants it,and it's ok with you. If she wants more than you're comfortable with giving you should tell her.

Personally, I hate the, "honey, can you come here for a minute." She watching TV in one room and I'm doing something in another room. She wants to tell me something, but doesn't want to get up


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