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Old 10-29-2001, 03:39 PM   #11

Join Date: March 11, 2001
Location: North Carolina USA
Age: 57
Posts: 5,177
In the 70's I made the switch from DC to Marvel. My favorite group changed from the JLA to the Avengers. The Marvel universe had more intrigue, it was more exciting, and seemed to be more dangerous. Also the Marvel characters had more depth.

One thing I always loved about DC though, was their JLA/JSA yearly cross-overs. These were usually great!

Hiram, I wish your brother would have given me a crack at some of those books I used to have X-Men 17, 19 and about 10 others before 50. I bought them from companies because I wasn't born at the time. I have a couple of old issues of Thor, back when it was still Journey into Mystery including the one were he meets Hercules that they used in the old cartoon.

Do you remember those old Marvel cartoons with the cheesy theme songs?

"When Captain America throws his mighty shield,
All those who chose to oppose his shield must yield.
When it comes to a fight, and a duel is due,
Then the Red, and the White, and the Blue will come through
When Captain America throws his mighty shield."

I can't remember the words for "Mighty Thor".


"Your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins."

[This message has been edited by Ronn_Bman (edited 10-29-2001).]
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