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Old 10-28-2001, 03:10 PM   #1
Thoth - Egyptian God of Wisdom

Join Date: March 12, 2001
Location: Birmingham, West Mid\'s, England
Age: 87
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How about a debate on Biodiversity?
Did you know 2001-2 was International Biodiversity Observation Year? I didn't and I'm interested in that sort of thing! (I bet Silver Cheetah and Epona know!)
Anyway, what they are doing is:

"Exploring biodiversity(to) unlock many benefits through discovery of new genes and chemicals that can be used for drugs, to improve crops, or restore polluted land. More importantly, learning where new species are, their role in maintaining healthy ecosystems and how we can conseve them is vital for making informed decisions about our land, rivers and oceans."

Now, imo, this is a good thing, but I very much doubt the will of governments and vested interests of all kinds to DO anything, regardless of the good intentions behind this attempt.
I think our only real hope lies in our young people. We need children in school and young teenagers to get interested in what is, after all, their OWN future. We old ones have messed up big-time. So - with most teachers more or less forced to teach only what is in the curriculum, and most parents too busy to bother, how can the relatively few who care help our young people to become sufficiently aware of the problems we face environmentally, so that they will want to get involved in improving it?


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"If I say something to you and it can be taken two ways, and one of those ways upsets you...I meant the other one."
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