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Old 10-28-2001, 02:07 PM   #39
Sorcerer Alex

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Melusine:
Ooh - it's always been my dream to win the lottery and then walk in there and casually tell the bookseller: Alright, how much for the lot?
Wow - 40 euro?? Schoolbooks can be soooo expensive - Had to by the two volume Norton Anthology of English Literature for 110,- guilders a volume
Luckily, in my case, my studybooks are ones that I am glad to have anyway, and plan to keep and read.
Oops - my bad - I meant the FIRST floor of'll have to blame it on my age that I'm getting just a teensy bit forgetful, uhh... Kees? No, that wasn't it...Gert?

Hey - did they still have the complete OED in the basement for less that a thousand guilders?? My boyfriend's considering buying it - I keep telling him he's crazy - we don't even have room for it in our little student's flat...but it sure is tempting!

OED? Sorry, I have no idea what that is. And nothing in that store is worth a thousand guilders! Your boyfriend is crazy

Btw, I love the cinemas in Amsterdam too, really atmospheric, dontchathink?