Thread: Absynthe?
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Old 10-26-2001, 04:15 PM   #5
Silver Cheetah
Fzoul Chembryl

Join Date: July 26, 2001
Location: Brighton, East Sussex, UK
Posts: 1,781
Originally posted by Absynthe:
Hi Honey, I'm home!!!
Just popped on for a bit as I'm actually supposed to be cleaning and packing right now..
Yeah, DM guessed it, I have a hard time leaving you two... even though I'm going somewhere fun. And no, dear I was most assuredly NOT working earlier, just staying on the clock as long as I could.

Hurrah! How am I gonna manage without you for a whole week!! You abandoner of metallic felines, you........ :Cheetah, with tears streaming down her poor little cat face:

Big relief on the work front. Cheetah takes the Absynthe kitten to her bosom once more......


Most Ecstatic Mistress of the Illuminati Not to Mention Sensuality Incarnate (if Somewhat Flea-bitten Right Now..)

Feisty Kitten Mascot and Succourer of the Waifs and Strays Hugging and Smooching Club
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