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Old 10-25-2001, 06:19 PM   #1
Takhisis Follower

Join Date: April 30, 2001
Location: szép Magyarország (well not right now)
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Well ok not MY humour as in I made it up......but u know what I mean. Hehe.....translated these as best as I could (as usual):

A patient goes into the surgery:
- Doctor, I've got a problem!
- And what would that be?
- No one takes me seriously!
- You're joking!?

A fat woman stands in front of the mirror:
- Oh mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?
- Move out the way I can't see a thing!

A man is travelling on a plane. The stewardess comes over and asks:
- Would you like something to eat sir?
- What are my choices?
- Yes or no...

A gypsy is captured by a group of skin-heads.
- We're having a good day today so we'll play a game!
The gypsy is not exactly overjoyed but he cooperates.
- Here's a playing die. If you roll 1-5 we beat the hell out of you.
- What if I get a 6?
- You get another free roll.
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