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Old 10-25-2001, 03:14 AM   #39

Join Date: April 9, 2001
Location: MN, USA
Age: 44
Posts: 519
ATE: Active Time Events (Taken from Final Fantasy 9). These are events that happen at the same time in a different place.

ATE: Alley by alley he passed through the slums without a sound. Even in the brightest of avenues littered with unpassable rubble and garbage, he seems only to make a whisper. It's no wonder that the fat brute that was his target was taken aback by his sudden appearance.
(m)=mystery man (f)=fat man
(m)"We're you followed?" he asks
(m)"Why do you want him dead?"
(f)"It is none of your concern."
(m)"Fair enough, although, he doesn't seem the type to pose a threat."
(f) angrily "I owe him a debt. That is all you must know!"
(f)"....What news have you then?"
(m)"He doesn't seem guarded. He doesn't seem to know anyone would even dislike him. In fact, he doesn't even seem unlikable. This job would be better served by a common street rat."
(f)"You don't want the job, fine. I'll take my 1,000 gold elsewhere."
(m) whispers "That's what you think."

The fat man never even had a chance as the dagger slid between his ribs and into his heart. It seems that Kendril would get his gold after all....


Let's get'em guen!

"I'm sorry, did I kill you?" -TheDutkanator
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