Thread: Openning
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Old 10-24-2001, 08:03 AM   #54
Hiram Sedai
Emerald Dragon

Join Date: October 8, 2001
Location: Georgia
Age: 55
Posts: 918
~The inhabitants of the bar hear some singing. It gets louder by the second. The dwarf recognizes the words from an ancient Dwarven hymn:

"Oh what a beautiful morning
Oh what a beautiful day
I've got a beautiful feeeling
My hammer is coming to play"

The door opens once more and they see a dwarf with splintmail armor and a large hammer in his hands. He is breathing heavily and smiling from ear to ear. "Do ye have any of those vamps in ere? I was smackin around some of them undead weinies outside and followed a couple in here."

"I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."
-Robert McCloskey

  • Token lackwit of HADB
  • Sycophant to the Wolf of Azure Hue
  • Long lost brother of DragonMage
  • Bearer of a work of art created by Sazerac
  • Jeg burde blive gennembanket for min flatulens.[/list]
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