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Old 10-25-2001, 10:34 AM   #134
20th Level Warrior

Join Date: September 6, 2001
Location: The lighter side of life, a.k.a. Newnan, Georgia
Age: 55
Posts: 2,767
Originally posted by Neb:
You lucky b***ard! Never had ANYTHING done to them? Not even a little hole that needed repair? How lucky is it allowed to be?
Don't worry Neb, he'll likely have a mouth full of cavities appear suddenly when he's 40! Then you'll have your revenge!

Seriously, though, I never had anything more than two cleanings before I turned 30. Now, I've had one tiny cavity filled in my back molar, one small decalcification (resulting in a chipped area that developed a small cavity) taken care of on a front tooth and my wisdoms removed. All four at once! I was traumatized by the 20 shots he had to put in my mouth, but all of it only took twenty minutes. I almost laughed at one point because he had this intense look on his face and the way he was pushing on me and pulling on my tooth, I thought he was going to crawl right up on my chest! LOL! ( did I just LAUGH at that???)

That same day, I cooked Thanksgiving dinner. The next day, I ATE Thanksgiving dinner. I just made it into small pieces and ate only the tenderest things and kept it to the front and middle of my mouth. Then, I made sure to rinse my mouth well so that no particles remained to cause troubles. But then, I have a high threshold for pain. And I'm stubborn.

Kaz, I wouldn't worry too much about what you eat as long as you are careful about it and rinse your mouth out well with warm, salty water immediately after you eat. Keep things as smooth as possible and/or very small bites/pieces. I'd steer away from meats, but Absynthe's idea of peanut butter would be a great alternative. Even, imo, yogurt and milk should be fine as long as you rinse your mouth afterwards so no bacteria can build up. Rinse well and often irregardless of what you eat or drink.


Alureth...Dragon friend of Breanna, Mage and Advisor in the Court of Lady Lioness

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