Thread: Why Am I Here
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Old 10-24-2001, 05:23 PM   #18

Join Date: March 21, 2001
Location: Europe
Age: 39
Posts: 6,136
Much like Jabidas, i came here after the bgdungeon tavern was shut down. I was looking up some stuff on the IW main page when i noted the page had a forum. It took some time getting use too. Usually i had 10 responses in less then two minuts but this place was much smaller.I started of on the bg2 board offering advice to other members, i seldom came on any of the other boards. But after awhile i got curious and started posting on the other boards as well. And i must say, ironworks is an amazing place with virtually no flaming. Im very impressed with the people here as well(Yes, that means YOU!). I often wonder what would have happend if id never found this place for so many of my friends i have met here.


Those who watch their backs meet death from the front- Dreamer128 Demonslayer of the OHF.

Paladin of the order, first bodyguard of Lady Lioness and defender of Castle Kerhelm

[This message has been edited by Dreamer128 (edited 10-24-2001).]
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