Thread: Why Am I Here
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Old 10-23-2001, 02:30 PM   #14

Join Date: January 8, 2001
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Age: 44
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Originally posted by Ronn_Bman:

I guess my point is, maybe until this controversial forum was opened no one really had anything major to disagree with one another about. It was all fun and games. Nothing wrong with that because it's what this forum is about.

I wouldn't say the forum has been all about fun and games before 11 September. We did have arguments, disagreements, serious discussions before that. Take it from people like me, Sazerac, Moiraine, Cloudbringer and numerous others who have posted on this forum for a long time: things *have* changed. There *is* less respect in people's posts. Again, I stress that no-one that I know of has a problem with disagreeing with others an sich (in any forum), but with THE WAY in which people express their disagreement.

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