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Old 10-22-2001, 09:31 PM   #1
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Midlands, South Carolina
Age: 48
Posts: 14,759

At the moment, I am eating a spoon full of peanut butter and semi-sweet chocolate morsals. Washing it down with Pink Lemonade kool-aid. Disgusting, right?
I was thinking...wouldn't it be cool to make a juice drink out of the jalepeños I have in my fridge? I could blend it in a mixer with water, then add sugar...or something...but the problem is that the juice from those suckers are actually an the flavor would rise to the top of the water, instead of being dispersed throughout. So, I guess I won't do that.

I know that many Americans will say that they at least know what I am talking about in the next sentence...
Have any of you done anything GROSS!!!
A child's favorite couple of things to do in our part of the world is making Mud pies...which I have had and eating a worm...which I have had, as well.

I also was swimming one day with with my sister and all her friends and a grass-hopper jumped into the pool. I began to pretend I was Jaws the shark and devoured the grass-hopper in front of all those screaming girls! hehe...
Okay...sharing time!!!

By the way...I have also tried dog food...


3rd Member of the Ancient OHF
Diamond Ranger of the ALSB (secretarial position & Ambassador)
Father of the wicked but cute child known as MaryBeth

Padre de una niña bien traviosa pero guapa
Aisukuríimu ga tabetái desu.

[This message has been edited by Larry_OHF (edited 10-22-2001).]
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