Thread: A joke
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Old 10-22-2001, 03:02 PM   #3

Join Date: March 11, 2001
Location: North Carolina USA
Age: 57
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Originally posted by Sorcerer Alex:
I and several others here could use a laugh today, so I thought I'd post my latest....

A man walks into a bar and says "Give me a glass of 8 year old scotch and don't try to fool me... I know the difference!". So the bartender tries his luck and hands the man a glass of 10 year old scotch. The man takes a gulp and says "What kind of idiot do you take me for?!". So the bartender hands him his 8 year old scotch. The man takes a gulp "ah, that's good!". Another man minding his own business goes over to the scotch drinker and says "Take a drink of this" and the man takes a gulp and say's "This tastes like piss!" the other man says "Good... now how old am I!?!"

He could probably get a job administering drug

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