Thread: What's going on
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Old 10-22-2001, 08:32 AM   #5
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: February 28, 2001
Location: Boston/Sydney
Posts: 11,771
Originally posted by Sigmar:
Whats going on in Ironworks? I'm gone for a couple of days and I find out some people are leaving, including Cloudbringer Slackerboy. I hope they return but my point is, why? What caused this to happen, was it the stress of the war, the change of atmosphere that has occured here or was it a minor or major argument. But it hasn't been all bad news though with old regular posters returning(Wah, Rudedawg) and new members. So Ironworks what's going on?

It's very upsetting to see valued people and close friends like Cloudy and slackerboy feel like they have to leave here (even for a while) because of upsetting opinions posted in the War on Terrorism forum. People DO have a right to post their opinion, though unfortunately some people take this to mean that they can disrespect or brush off other people's opinions in posting their own. People from ALL sides here have been upset by this. We don't have a rule against that, unfortunately, but I wish that people would show the same consideration for other people and their opinions here as they do in real life.

Also, I really wish people shouldn't take those threads so personally. We all have enough stresses in our lives right now to get stressed about something someone else said about your country, viewpoint or whatever. Just remember that people's opinions are just that - opinions! In many cases these are coloured by their own personal life and geographic experiences, which may be different to your own, so don't take it personally if they disagree with you. I have made myself IMMUNE to the many divergent opinions that people post here on the forum, because I have my own and am confident in my own thought processes. Nothing someone else says will get me down - I won't allow that to happen.

Remember, sticks and stones will break your bones but words will never hurt you!


[This message has been edited by Memnoch (edited 10-22-2001).]
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