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Old 10-23-2001, 08:45 AM   #42
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Upstate NY USA
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Originally posted by WOLFGIR:
How about we all take that slippery fish, cook it and eat it?
If it is sour we havve learned one thing.. Nobody wants a slippery fish tossed at us

Hmm live fire and something to eat? *Wolfie watch ""coworkers"" with new interest.. "say does anyone expect Santa to come with gifts this year! ?
Well,it's definitely toast-able! And iffen you look closely, wolf-friend, I think you'll see our LadyZekke has FIRE! Flames leaping from her sig! Whoohoo..I'll get the lemon and parsley, you roast the fish and maybe someone will bring the wine? Moiraine, perhaps! A good French wine!!! *grumbly tummy* Oh now Wolfie-sweet you made me hungry! Tell LadyZ to be sure she's catching them over the size limit, we can't feed a party with puny fishies! *eyes her Ladysis carefully* You don't think, do you, that she snagged this one in her aquarium? eeeeeeeeewwww... *snicker, giggle, roll on floor*

Wolfie, a sincere Cloudy-hug for your sweet words and kind thoughts. I was really pleased to hear from you. You're good people, my friend.



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