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Old 10-22-2001, 07:34 AM   #6

Posts: n/a
In the distance you hear hoof beats close to the edge of the woods... all of a sudden a huge stallion appears to your right. You see there is no rider but the horse looks so familiar... as you are glancing to the right a tap on your shoulder from the left surprises you. Hey guys its did you like that old trick of mine Send horse in from the right and come up on your left...HEhe..Remember my freinds there are those who are with you but just behind the scenes a little more. Not all is as it would seem. Scratching your heads..Conan throws himself on his steed and is gone as quick as he came.

*\Conan/* of the Peace Keeping Force

[This message has been edited by Conan (edited 10-22-2001).]