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Old 10-22-2001, 12:07 AM   #1
John D Harris
Ninja Storm Shadow

Join Date: March 27, 2001
Location: Northport,Alabama, USA
Age: 62
Posts: 3,577
I debated with myself on posting this or not (you can see which side won ). If you are not a Christian I am asking you please not to post on this thread, it is not intended for flaming, but rather for encouragement.
Lately several of you, my brothers and sisters, have had your feelings hurt please remember the following.
1) Our Lord and Savior was cruified and suffered pshyical pain and verbal abuse for the sake of all. He also said that some of us would suffer the same type of things even unto death for His name's sake. I can't ease any pain you are feeling only offer some encouragement and strength.
2) We are to be differant, called out from the world. It is ok if we are seen as strange, in fact count it as joy if you are considered differant it means you are doing something right.
3) Be ready to answer for the hope that is within us, answer any questions and leave it be. While it is God's wish and hope, and should be ours also, that all are saved. Even the Father lets it be, He provided the Water of Life but doesn't make any of us drink It.
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