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Old 09-17-2000, 11:39 AM   #1
Welcomed New User

Join Date: August 26, 2002
Location: Singapore
Age: 44
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I've just installed TotSC (as some of you already know ), and I was looking at the party provided in the Mission Pack.
One thing that struck me was that the main character (a fighter, like mine) has the Vampiric Touch special ability, in addition to the Draw on Holy Might (DoHM) which I also have. But in my game, my PC has 2 of DoHM but missed out Vampiric Touch (better than the equivalent of 2 Cure Light Wounds)! Does this mean that the special abilities 'dreamed' up by your PC is not fixed? How in the (gaming) world is this possible?
I suspect one factor may be the mixed alignment of his party composition - his PC (NG), Imoen, Minsc, Jaheira, Vicona, and Edwin. Btw, I would consider this 'cheating', since he has broken up 2(!) of the original NPC pairs, but it is one of the nicest combos I've seen. Any ideas/hard fact/personal experiences, anyone?
Citing my own experience, I have:
2 Cure Light Wounds, 2 Cure Poison, and 2 DoHM; respectively gained in successive chapters.

PS Do you get a dream in Chpt 1?
PPS While the topic is on special abilities, what's your favourite one (including those of NPCs)? Mine's Branwen's; the satisfying metallic 'clunk' sound of her calling on her Spiritual Hammer and the graphics of the hammer itself are damn cool!!
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