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Old 10-19-2001, 09:13 PM   #4

Posts: n/a
The KFA (short for Kentucky Fried Avariel) was a restaurant that began over in the BG2:SoA forum as a joke in reaction to the "Holy Temple of Aerie" thread posted there. The ALSB considered us to be a rival clan, though in truth we never officially formed one. After the ALSB broke two truces, they (and Sephiroth) descended upon us in force and destroyed my "place of business". Your own HADB clan decided to stay neutral in the whole affair, hoping to pick up any tidbits left over from the fallout. Check out the original thread - there's some pretty funny stuff, if I do say so myself. I think the two ads that Killing Spree made up are hilarious.

Guerilla gourmet, and former proprieter of the KFA.