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Old 10-20-2001, 01:17 PM   #45

Join Date: October 4, 2001
Location: Kingdom of the West,..P.o. Cynagus
Posts: 4,212
Originally posted by SSJ4Sephiroth:
seriously, how many of you 'older folks' tend to ignore us 'little kids' merely because we're kids? i was rereading some things lately, and realized that the younger ones were almost completely ignored. i think i speak for us all when i say that our opinions are as valid as the next man's, albeit slightly less informed possibly. so the question is, do you people tend to dismiss us because we're younger, whether you realize it or not? and if so, why?

Well I guess I qualify by age. I'll talk to anyone who is interesting or wants to be involved with a quick roleplay. I have no idea of age, and I don't care.

Avast There mates..make yer way here and drop yer anchor. We'll swap some lies and have a Black Jack o' ale.
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