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Old 07-13-2002, 12:29 AM   #6

Join Date: September 16, 2001
Location: Bellingham, WA, USA
Age: 47
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Elves can't be Conjurers, but Half-Elves can.

No, you can't be a Sorcerer in BG1, simply because that class hadn't been implemented yet, nor can you choose a straight Mage and become a Sorcerer when you enter BG2.

However, I see nothing wrong with doing a little cheating to "fake" a Sorcerer in BG1: Just play a straight Mage, and hack yourself to have one more spell slot of each level, like a Specialist Mage. But you also have to restrict yourself to reading only FIVE spells of each level. Then, once you take that character into BG2, use Shadowkeeper to turn yourself into a Sorcerer. (You may need to remove the extra spell slots you hacked yourself, I'm not sure.)
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