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Old 10-16-2001, 01:54 PM   #32

Posts: n/a
What is that suppost to mean Neb?
Are clan nothing more then things you put into your signature?
It is that exact additute that this thread is suppost to remove
What is the use of a Clan if it is only something to put into your signature?
If that were true things like the Ancients Club would be clans too
We did not start the OHF a year ago just to be sig addition
Official members are people who are just members no matter their Signature
in case you haven;t notest Ertai doesn;t have it in his name either
And i can assure he is still our Leader

Behold he who stands before you

Almighty (shared) Leader of the OHF
Proud member of the Ancients Club
The one True Druidic Sorcerer of the Laughing Hyena's
Last of the Ancient race known as the Red Fluffies
Summoner of Bunnies

Spam Sentinal of the Ironworks
"You can Run, You can Hide,
But you can never do both"

I'm Watching you...