Thread: Silver Cheetah
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Old 10-12-2001, 07:03 PM   #3
Silver Cheetah
Fzoul Chembryl

Join Date: July 26, 2001
Location: Brighton, East Sussex, UK
Posts: 1,781
Originally posted by Yorick:

This is a passionate subject that affects us all in many ways. The way we view collective response and our own singular response to events sometimes internally conflict. Hearing alternate opinions can raise spectre from the past in us as we seek to rationalise our own views of right and wrong on a singular and collective level.

My reaction against "who is to blame" is intensely personal because of my situation as both a child and a husband. It is important for me to maintain consistency between my worldview and my views on my personal circumstance - to avoid hypocrisy. When discussing broad issues like this, you're not just discussing an issue with me, but painful aspects of my marriage that nearly destroyed me.

Put simply it's not you, it's me.

I am passionately for or against your ideas, not you as a person Silver Cheetah. I hold you no ill will, and did not wish to see you remove yourself from the war forum.

That said, distance can do wonders for perception.

Anyhow, you have valid opinions which can further the benefit of the planet. Disagreement can provide refinement of those ideas. Through resistance we either grow stronger or change path.

I hope you have a good night, and that the forum becomes a place of idea sharing, companionship and relaxation rather than stress. God knows there's enough stress in our lives without a hobby being so as well.

Apologies for my fire. I accept yours as well.

Regards and good health


Apology accepted, Hugh! and thank you for your explanation. Although I often disagree with you, and sometimes find you a little 'harsh' in responding, I believe you to be a fine and sincere person. I am also aware that you are living through a difficult time both personally, and as a member of the collective, and I deeply sympathise.

I have a particular problem with your posts - as with you, this is due to past 'spectres'. Something in the way you put things sometimes brings up feelings from the past to do with my father, who is a violent and abusive man who brooks no contradiction. He must always be right. I find you neither violent or abusive in your posts, but sometimes there is an element which reminds me of painful incidents from the past. I have had very strong reactions to a number of your posts - I have felt dizzy, sick and wanting to lie down.

There is something very deep going on here to do with my own past trauma, and you are the quite unwitting and blameless cause of it. I'm not critising here, please do not think that!, I just wanted to share this with you, as being my true feeling on this matter.

After some thought, I have decided that, for the time being at least, I shall stay off the war forum, and stick with gen. con. I shall also spend time on some of my very neglected creative activities! Yes, I need rest and relaxation, creativity and fun!

NB. I agree totally about disagreement refining ideas. It's one of the elements I find very attractive about the forum.



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