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Old 10-13-2001, 04:54 AM   #31
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: September 5, 2001
Location: House of Freelight
Age: 47
Posts: 3,159
(ooc: Don't worry, K Spree and Deiter. There'll be plenty of action ahead for you. Just hop on when you're ready... just for your info, I've set Meldrin as a level 20 mage and stuck to BG2 tables/spells; will be keeping track of the number cast by him. Let me know if you find the battle dragging too long after a while; I'll adjust accordingly. Tks! )

Unfortunately, Meldrin's sharp eyes happen to pick up the blood red silhouette as it flashes across the room… ~ "So… Chani chooses to play games with me." ~ The wrinkles on Meldrin's face deepen and his voice loudens to a deafening level. ~ "I'm losing patience with the lot of you! Had you been together, I might have enjoyed a greater challenge. Your lack of coordination is pathetic! And so... I shall slaughter you all… one... by... one…" ~ As he speaks, Meldrin releases a spell sequencer. ~

~ Mistral gasps as she recognises this as a more powerful version of her earlier sequencer and scrutinises the kaleidoscope of colours weaving around the wizard ~ stoneskin, fireshield and protection from normal missiles… ~ Gasping, Mistral discovers that for some reason, Meldrin is still able to squeeze in another spell ~ He must be wearing a Robe of Vecna just like mine and something else... ~

~ Meldrin chants on in his menacingly low voice and the suspense nearly drives Mistral to insanity. ~ Straining her ears, she now mentally runs through the spells she had inscribed in her mage book over the years and realises… ~ "It's an invisible stalker, Larry! It'll appear in the next round!" ~ Unable to maintain her silence any longer, Mistral hurriedly screams to him.

~ Knowing that she's weaponless to fight the stalker and that the best chance of survival is to kill Meldrin first, Mistral plants her feet firmly on the ground. Words of magic rise from within and she casts a breach spell at Meldrin, hoping that Larry will find an opportunity to attack him... ~

[This message has been edited by mistral4543 (edited 10-13-2001).]
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