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Old 10-12-2001, 12:58 PM   #23
Ramon de Ramon y Ramon
Red Dragon

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Age: 52
Posts: 1,517
Originally posted by DragonMage:
Ramon: Why, to keep you on your toesies, of course!

Cloudy: My poor kitties are all confusled! I only dance waltzes with them now. They got very upset when I tried to slam dance with them. Wonder why? Hmmmm....

H.Sedai: I said it once and Cloudy has concurred - welcome aboard - you have definitely found a second home here!

Mr. Sedai, if my pathological and pathetic jealousy of all the female attention you have been receiving here lately didn't prevent me fom doing so, I would second the ladies here and say that you are one of the most pleasant new arrivals to IW in a long time. I would furthermore concur with Cloudy on that your signature ranks among the most hilarious and entertaining and even add that I just outright love the first line of the "caption" in your signature - just one of those only seemingly innocent and ingenious little bits that make me feel a little less "alone" in this strange world and in my own head ...

Isn't it just a shame that it is virtually impossible for me to tell you any of the above ?

(Btw, Miss DragonMage, if you think that the fact you are sporting the most impressive, daringly low-cut - and most active - "neckline" here on IW, spares you my retaliation you are very mistaken, there: !)

So long !

R³ aka "The Ramonster"(thanks Sir Tainly) - proud to be the official spokesman for the most noble Lady Bilqis, Desert Rose of Ironworks - equally proud to be Moiraine's "permanent advocate" !

Btw, the cow is queuing in the slaughterhouse right now !

[This message has been edited by Ramon de Ramon y Ramon (edited 10-12-2001).]
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