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Old 10-09-2001, 12:23 AM   #18
20th Level Warrior

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Originally posted by G'kar:
I disagree. We always have other choices. How much is one life worth anyway?
And I do not discern a clear cause and effect relationship between the military actions and the end of terrorism. Though we may cull a generation of terrorists of some of its leaders, more will rise to the occasion in future generations, with reinforced hatred of the west. Therefore I do see a causual relationship that will escalate hostilities in the short term and long term. Push fanantics to fanatical acts with renewed vigour. Better to die a suicide bomber than by a yankee bullet. But I'm just thinking things through, not predicting the future.
I will repost my earlier statement as I think it ties in with what you have said.

Originally posted by AzureWolf:
I am only going to say this as I am tired of arguing with people about it.
War in any form in a horrible thing.
It ruins the lives of everyone in the community as well as taking the lives of innocents who do not wish to be involved but their rights have been discounted and they have no choice in the matter.

War begets war.

This is a war of attrition that the US cannot hope to win. Each time the "Free World" wins a military victory they may have won a battle but they have just gone one step closer in losing the war. It is pure arrogance to think you can wipe out something like terroism. It is not an object you can destroy!

It is an Idea!

An any who think in any way from my statements that i support Terroism are wrong. I am simply trying to open some eyes to the bigger picture around you. Ideas are carried on even after the creators are dead. Do you think that if you destroy Osama Bin Laden and his terroists that it is going to be a blow to terroism? Others will take up the mantle and use this war as an example of Western corruption.

And secondly the idea that this war is to stop terroists from attacking us again? That IMO is utter bullshit and a cowardly coverup to explain why the US should take revenge with military might. Again it will not stop terroists but incite them as has already been proved by Osama declaring Jihad on the US.
And for those of you who have ranted about how the Taliban regieme(sp?) has spread propaganda against the US, that is true. Do not the Taliban try and made fanatics out of Afgahni's by telling them about the Wests corruption?

Now Stop

And think. Is this not what just what America is doing? Are not President Bush's "emotional" speeches just like the Talibans? They are both trying to use patriotism to their advantage to get more power. Ask yourself, if the people of the US were not so patriotic about their country could this military strike have happened so suddenly and ruthlessly?
(This is NOT Yank Bashing im just trying to give a new perspective)


"I was born of darkness. My fathers eyes closed before mine opened. I am not of this world or the other, and I have the right to be what I am..."

Overlord of all that I behold and anything that i happen to not notice either.

Founding Hamlet of the HADB.
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