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Old 10-09-2001, 08:00 AM   #16

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: London, England
Age: 53
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Originally posted by DjanghusKong:
Thank you!!

First of all I would like to introduce myself.

My name is Maria and I'm from Lissabon, Portugal.

I'm so happy right now.

*listening to MUSE with New Born"


LINK it to the world!!!!
LINK it to yourself!!
STRETCH it like a biiiiiiihiiiiirth squeeze!!!


great song!! .

So, I'm wondering. What's going on right now?

Everyone allright!?
Hi Maria - I LOVE that song!! It's my current favourite.
I had to go buy a second copy of the CD because my bf actually managed to break the original trying to get it out of the case!!!


Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Epona of The Laughing Hyenas
Proud winner of the 'Most Useless Post 250 Has Ever Seen' Award 2001. "I'd just like to thank my friends and family, without whom none of this would have been possible..."
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