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Old 10-16-2001, 11:28 AM   #152
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Originally posted by Avatar:
The shard is stored inside a pure ice crystal that never melts inside a cryogenic safe. You'll freeze upon entering and it should never be released.

Avatar goes outside and the sunny day already looks dark and a light drizzle has started. Avatar calls into the skies for Anamatour. And a glorious rays of pure sun light and holy smite constantly rains down around the temple...

(The shadows are also pretty smart, they won't enter the sunlight if they can just wait till it becomes night.)

Luckily, Neb is Chaotic Neutral and therefore he is unharmed by the Holy Smite, Neb heads towards the location that his crystal ball indicated, as he gets closer, the temperature falls and soon his breath is visible in the air, frost rimes the floor, walls and ceiling as he stands in front of the cryogenic safe.

Neb thinks for a few moments and then disentigrates the door to the safe, a blast a cold air meets him and ice starts to form in his beard, he quickly casts a Warmth spell to prevent him from freezing to death, he then summons a Fire Elemental to melt the ice, but the immense cold immediately kills it, Neb ponders what to do for a few moments then launches a fireball at the Ice Crystal, the fireball is extinguished before it even gets to the crystal, Neb leans against a wall to think about what to do for a few moments before he tries anything.

Neb suddenly gets an idea, the shard itself is protected from Teleport Other which prevents him from teleporting it out of the crystal, but the crystal isn't, Neb teleports the crystal to the roof of the temple, now the only thing which he needed to do something about was the damn cold, Neb summoned a Greater Shadow which would be unaffected by the cold since it was partially ethereal, he ordered it to bring him the Shard which was also half-way into the ethereal realm, allowing the shadow to carry it, the shadow advanced and grabbed the Shard, as it did so, it seemed to grow in power and strength, when it got back to Neb with the shard it was 9 feet tall and almost radiated darkness, Neb grabbed the Shard from it's hands, but as he did so, it managed to break his controlling spells and lashed out with one of it's massive fists.

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