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Old 10-06-2001, 12:50 PM   #48
Jack Burton

Join Date: March 21, 2001
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so what does that has to do with our topic?
ahhh, i see, you are trying to prove "not everything is controlable"

well, i like debates since it gives me a good insight on things i never quite thought of before. you have points i have never truly thought off and i thank you for that... your a good debater since i last debated with Yorick (and that was a long time ago )

we cannot ignore the EFFECT and what experiences an incident cause to people when we talk about incident

that baby died, so this incident means virtually nothing to him

then we need to discuss what impact the child's death has? well... shall we continue?

??? i dont get it???

you view the world through the colored glass of your experience. if that glass is suspcious, then the world is a dangerous place. if that glass is naive, then the world is a trusting place. if that glass is impatience, then the world is a frustrating place. if that glass is anger, then the world is a hurtful place

im begining to understand you now about this one

events only affect your feelings
your feelings in turn change your personality, your view of the world
which leads to changes in decision making in the future
which affect your way of life (fate)

good logic !! but i cant seem to relate it with what you have said regarding my latest example, enlighten me if you will...

hacker rule number 1:
if someone can do it, I can do it

TRUE !!! TRUE !!!

Revived I Am to hunt this world... Banish ye evil or face my wrath...
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