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Old 10-07-2001, 12:39 AM   #154
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: September 5, 2001
Location: House of Freelight
Age: 47
Posts: 3,159
~Studies Deiter and KS.~ The bond between these two is immense... I wonder if anything could ever break it... Maintaining an amiable tone~ "I must say that I am rather disappointed that I have received so little information in exchange for so much relevations on my side... no matter, I have grown accustomed to others' suspicions."

Turning to face Larry, Deiter and KS, she continues, "May I have a look at your blades? It is purely an academic interest, for I am a kensai-mage."

{OOC: I've exceeded my internet dialup plan for Oct (!) and it's only 7 Oct...grrr... therefore, I may be slower than usual in responding cos I will probably disconnect to type a large post before reconnecting and posting, etc.

As my character hasn't been officially given the boot, I take it that she will tentatively remain. Killing Spree - If you have no objection, I would like you to help run her whenever I'm away. However, if none of the active members are keen to do so, I will simply be following your new thread to see if there's any way I can occasionally spice up the plot by adding her in temporarily and removing her in a non-irritating and coherent way. *Be assured that I will not ruin the plot by forcing her in *

Lastly, I just want to say that I've had lots of fun so far and to thank you all for allowing my character in. May the reborn group have an exciting time ahead and the story develop into a glorious tale of intrigue!}
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