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Old 10-03-2001, 08:43 PM   #31

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by DragonMage:

1. Name?
Scott, Scotty, Dude

2. Rank? (ha) (and I don't mean the thing to the left of our posts. )
Recently promoted Store Manager

3. Serial Number? (haha)

4. Smoker or Non-smoker or a Reformed Smoker (did, but don't anymore)?
Smoker of all the earths good herbs

5. What did you wanna be when you were a kid?
Jet-fighter pilot, for a while then Guitar Player ( I now play bass)

6. What do you really want to do (compared with what you currently do)?
I like what I do, selling music, movies, and games to people all day. The other thing I would do 60+ hrs a week is create computer graphics for interactive multimedia. Which I do for fun and learning anyway part-time.

7. Cereal or oatmeal?
Hmmmmm Maple and brown suga YuuuuuuMMM! but the variety of cereal I like I must also consider.... Oatmeal if its cold outside, But cereal if I have cinnamon toast crunch, apple jacks, or honeycombs.

8. Do you know what 'grits' are?
I didnt live in Alabama for the most part of 13 years, and not eat grits. Geez thats like asking me if I know where a Waffle House is...

9. Do you like caviar?
Id rather eat spoonfuls of salt.

10. What is your favorite pasttime when NOT on the computer?
Enjoying reading books out-loud with my home-mate and/or PnP Roleplaying games. My DVD player is 2nd, and sleep is third.

11. Boxers or briefs? (ladies, unless you wear those 'ladies boxers', this is for what you like to see on a guy)
Boxers, if any. (jeez, am I modest or what?)

12. Flowers or candy? (guys, unless you like receiving either of these, just state what you are most likely to give as a gift TO a lady.)
Godiva chocolates go Grrrrreat WITH red roses!

13. What is your favorite color?
Uhmmm, the artsist in me says all of them.

Bonus question: What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Faster than I could calculate with-out an stop-watch

14. Does anyone actually LIKE fish for breakfast??? (kippers)
Fish? See #7 for all breakfast related questions.

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions.
Your most kindly welcome.

[This message has been edited by G'kar (edited 10-03-2001).]