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Old 10-02-2001, 12:58 PM   #31
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Upstate NY USA
Posts: 19,737
Thanks, Z! Nice to see a good definition and especially now when the upgrade is so close. I think everyone will be so excited by the new features, they may forget about spamming and spend all their time in chat or pm!

Seriously, Dan, I think a pm feature will drastically reduce the one line or "Hey didja get my email?" spam in the future.

I created the Cafe to take some of the short conversations/chats that might otherwise clog up threads and be off-topic. Kind of a catch-all for the little comments and jokes that didn't need their own threads. Seems to have been working quite well and draws a lot of people, some regulars but hopefully ANYONE who just wants to make a comment (I'm bored, what are you having for dinner? type stuff) will feel free to do it in the Cafe (or bar) instead of all over the board and in separate threads! We do make friends here and sometimes the Cafe- 'hanging out with our buddies' atmosphere is what people need/want at a given time. I hope Cloudy's Cafe can take up some of that and keep it in one place.

On another note, I'm quite pleased to see some fun (not one liner!) threads and interesting discussions taking place. As you all know, I'm not one for pure 'debate' mentality day in and day out so if all that we ever had was 'heavy' philisophical debates, GD and I would part company. But the same is true of the opposite, if all it ever had was joke threads I'd read alot more game forums!

Cloudy, debating whether to buy Pools of Radiance and vanish for hours at a stretch.. darn that Z, telling us it's good.. sigh...

PS....did I see a chat about ranks in this spam definition thread?!

Raindancer of the Laughing Hyenas Clan
CloudDragon of the OHF
Raven's Cloud
StormCloud of the Black Knight: Heart Mind Soul Forever
"To sleep, perchance to dream..."

[This message has been edited by Cloudbringer (edited 10-02-2001).]
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