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Old 10-01-2001, 07:59 PM   #31
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: September 10, 2001
Posts: 9
Thanks, everyone, for sharing your views.

The only conclusion I can draw (which everyone has been told all this while) is to treasure each moment in this life and lead a good life, so that I will not regret squandering the time I've had here. And the bonus will be a smashing good time in Heaven if I've behaved well enough, if there is indeed life after death.

I love my parents very much, to the extent that sometimes I wish I was born in the same period as them (so there will be less likelihood of them leaving before me), which is really contradictory.

Anyway, I will cling on to my little hope and if I'm proven right, you can bet the first thing I'll do is to find them and cling on to them again.

Once again, thank you...
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